Local Resident Air Filter Program
Chiquita understands that in recent weeks its neighbors have been submitting complaints of odors to the South Coast AQMD. Chiquita believes the most likely source of any odors that may be coming from the Chiquita Canyon Landfill is an increase in the production of landfill gas (LFG) at the Landfill. Chiquita believes this increase in LFG is due to an abnormal biotic or abiotic process, also known as a landfill reaction, taking place within a portion of the Landfill waste mass. This reaction is not the result of a fire or other combustion within the waste mass and is not related to current
We are currently implementing short-term odor mitigation efforts while we work with the appropriate government oversight and regulatory authorities to implement long-term solutions. Chiquita would like to offer nearby residents that are experiencing odors a California Air Resources Board (CARB) Certified air filtration device for use in your home. If you live in Hasley Canyon, Hasley Hills, Hillcrest, Live Oak, North Bluff, Williams Ranch or Val Verde and would like to receive an air filtration device, please click here to fill out the form.