Continuous Community Air Monitoring Data

Welcome to the Chiquita Canyon Landfill Community Air Monitoring Program Webpage. This page contains the most recent 1-hour average data for hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and Methane (CH4), as well as the average wind speed and direction for the same time period, for community air monitoring stations. Note that only the most recent full hour of data is posted (i.e., at 7:30AM, the most recent data posted will be the 6-7AM hourly data).

View Benzene Monitoring Reports

Please visit Chiquita Canyon Air Monitoring Notification System to sign up for email notification when the concentration of benzene and/or hydrogen sulfide in the Castaic and Val Verde communities, as detected at monitoring stations MS-10 and MS-12, exceeds the corresponding acute (1-hour) Reference Exposure Level as established by the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment.

Monitoring Stations (MS-#)

Select one of the numbered stations below to review data.

H2S detection limit is 3 ppb
CH4 detection limit is 40 ppb
Numerical degrees are the compass direction from which the wind originates. The arrow points in the direction the wind is going toward.