Published - July 30, 2024 @ 8:00 AM
As we have been notifying community partners and neighbors over the last two weeks, Chiquita will be conducting excavation work at the west slope of the landfill as part of its continued mitigation of the ongoing elevated landfill temperature (ETLF) event or reaction. This work is scheduled to begin within the next several days.
As with any excavation into the waste mass, odors are possible. Chiquita is working closely with its regulators to minimize impacts to the community from this excavation. Regulators will be on site throughout the excavation.
While this work is being conducted, Chiquita Canyon has established a “Cool Zone” at the Embassy Suites hotel located off Newhall Ranch Road and I-5. The Cool Zone has been set up in a large room at the hotel where Val Verde and Castaic residents can go. The Cool Zone is set up with TV, Wi-Fi, work tables, snacks and iced water. We welcome residents to stop in if needed.
The Cool Zone is now open Monday to Saturday, 8 a.m. – 6 p.m., and will remain open through at least Saturday, September 14, 2024.
If you plan to visit the Cool Zone, please note some basic guidelines: Minors must be accompanied by an adult at all times; no outside food or beverages are allowed; hotel guest amenities are not included as part of the Cool Zone. For the safety of Cool Zone guests, a security guard is posted at the Cool Zone and will ask for you to sign in.