Published - July 29, 2024 @ 10:00 AM
Public Notification: West Toe Scrim Work
In the upcoming weeks, Chiquita will be conducting excavation work at the west slope of the landfill as part of its continued mitigation of the ongoing elevated landfill temperature (ETLF) event or reaction. The west slope has been impacted by the increased leachate production. To avoid odors from the leachate, as well as to prevent leachate from commingling with stormwater, this slope is currently covered by a plastic cover called a scrim. To improve leachate drainage and conditions at the western slope, Chiquita needs to remove the scrim, and excavate into the waste mass to install a drain and sumps that will better control the leachate. After completion, Chiquita will cover the area with dirt, and then cover it with the 30-mil geosynthetic cover. This work will also complete the installation of the 30-mil geosynthetic cover.
As with any excavation into the waste mass, odors are possible. Chiquita is working closely with its regulators to minimize impacts to the community from this excavation. The Stipulated Order for Abatement with the South Coast Air Quality Management District specifically addresses mitigation measures Chiquita must take during any excavation into waste. Chiquita will comply with this Order and other directions from its regulators. Regulators will be on site throughout the excavation.
This work may begin as early as the week of August 5th. We anticipate that this excavation will last approximately 6 weeks. The excavation site will be fully covered each evening. Please reach out to Chiquita at with any questions or concerns.